Research Document: Publications 

1. Print  
2. Digital


General YES 

Text Layout  



Image layout  

Absolute NOs 

Illustrative, unstructured text. Shapes created with text. Any text that is not aligned. 
Illustration in general, the line circling the images. 
The slanted text, curved sentences in the bottom. 



Online publications

School of Commons Issues
by School of Commons

BylineInternet Brain

“...Our regularly-occurring columns and one-off pieces reflect a monthly theme. We felt there was a need for a place to have more fun with writing while making friends in the process. Our goal is to champion the writer and their unique voice, to provide them with an audience, and to introduce readers to new ideas.”  

1 Granary Opinion

Plaster Magazine
Story on weird artist, incredibly told

Other Inspo


Mr. Hunter Thompson